Some auto insurance companies offer a good student discount. If you have a teen driver and you have added him or her to your car insurance plan, you know the cost of insuring them can be very high. Keeping that in mind, it may be valuable to consider any type of discount available. Teens who qualify for a good student driver discount could save up to 20 percent on their auto insurance. Who qualifies for this type of savings?
What Your Auto Insurer Wants You To Know
It's important to focus on what a good student discount can be for your policy. Specifically, most insurance companies look at a student's grades and school history. Those students who maintain at least a B average often qualify for this type of discount. Students who have special needs may also qualify in some situations. In all cases, the premise behind this type of savings is very simple.
Auto insurance companies use a lot of data from their drivers to determine who presents the highest risk for them. This information comes from a variety of sources, but most importantly from information about the likelihood that a driver will be involved in an accident or moving violation. The data, over time, has shown that students who are more responsible in school, and thus maintain good grades, are less likely to be involved in a moving violation or accident. Because this indicates these drivers are less of a risk to insurance companies, they may be willing to reduce the insurance premium teen drivers pay.
Find Out What Your Teen Qualifies For
Every auto insurance company establishes the guidelines for its own policies and discounts, including the good student discount. Talk to your agent about your teen's ability to qualify. And, realize this discount does not just apply while they are in high school. Many car insurance companies will carry over that discount for the teen while he or she is in college and even beyond, as long as the student maintains a good driving history. With significant savings in the balance, there is certainly a good incentive for your teen to maintain those good grades going forward!
Ask about discount options today. Call Buschbach Insurance Agency at (708) 423-2350 for more information on Chicago IL auto insurance.
Posted 10:00 AM Tags: auto insurance, car insurance, teenagers, teen drivers, policies, risks, school, grades, savings, rates, coverage, chicago, illinois, insurance, chicago il insurance, buschbach insurance agency
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