Buschbach Insurance Agency, Inc. Blog: risk
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Wednesday, April 13, 2016Some auto insurance companies offer a good student discount. If you have a teen driver and you have added him or her to your car insurance plan, you know the cost of insuring them can be very high. Keeping that in mind, it may be valuable to consider any type of discount available. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, April 6, 2016You use your kitchen appliances every day. Most of the time, you do not think twice about them. However, these are powerful machines that have motors and electrical cords. That means they also can pose a fire hazard to you. If you have not taken the time to check out your kitchen appliances, now is the time to do so. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, March 9, 2016You are busy building your landscaping business and you are proud of what you've created from the ground up. Now, take a step back and find out what you need to do to keep your operation financially protected. Landscapers often face job related risks. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, March 2, 2016Open your garage and look around. There may be tools here and there and perhaps the kids' bikes are lying around. But is anything in your garage putting you and your family at risk? If you have not taken the time to safeguard your garage from risks, you could face significant problems should an incident occur. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, February 3, 2016You've worked hard to build your business. Now that you are doing well, you need to ensure your business is safe from various risks. For construction companies, these risks can be expansive. The right construction insurance can reduce these risks and give you peace of mind with each project you complete. READ MORE >>
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