Having auto insurance is essential. Not only is it a requirement under most state laws, but it also helps to protect you financially from risks associated with accidents and liability matters.
When it comes do determining car insurance premiums, insurance companies are likely to rate you based on your previous driving habits to determine how much risk you present. And if you are a high level of risk, it may mean a higher insurance premium. This means reckless drivers could be forking over more change when their insurance bill is due.
Your Driving Record Is The Biggest Risk Factor
Car insurance companies use a variety of data to determine how much risk a driver presents. This is what they base your insurance premium costs on. Of all the data they use, which includes your age, sex, address and even the type of car you have, your driving record plays the biggest role in what you pay. Those who have a clean record, without any evidence of driving violations, will have the lowest premiums in most cases.
What will reckless driving violations do your record? Generally speaking, you will likely pay significantly more, sometimes hundreds of dollars more, for coverage. According to some research, those who have a single ticket like this can expect to pay as much as 22 percent higher than what safer drivers pay. However, if you have more than one reckless driving violation on your driving record, the risks are even higher. You'll likely pay significantly more.
What You Should Do
While avoiding these types of risks is always the best route forward, these types of violations can happen for various reasons. If you do have such an incident, realize that it won't sting you forever. Most violations fall off your record over time, especially if you do not have any additional moving violations. Additionally, your agent may offer to discount your policy again if you remain accident or incident free and you take a driver's education course.
Auto insurance policies may cost more for those who have multiple violations because they present a higher risk for the insurer. However, you should still compare policies with the help of your independent insurance agent to find one that is best suited to your needs and your wallet.
Get a free quote today. Call Buschbach Insurance Agency at (708) 423-2350 for more information on Chicago IL auto insurance.
Posted 10:00 AM Tags: auto insurance, car insurance, risk, premium, rate, cost, tickets, reckless, reckless driving, chicago, illinois, insurance, chicago il insurance, buschbach insurance agency
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