Tuesday, October 16, 2018The meat in your restaurant is a costly and sensitive commodity. If you don’t handle it correctly, you might not be able to serve it, and thus cost the business money. If you serve bad meat, you run the risk of harming customers, and that’s a liability risk itself. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, October 2, 2018Almost every business uses computers to run operations. Still, whenever you do, you create a risk of harm. Such harm might include data loss, privacy breaches and an interruption to operations. Each of these might impact your ability to continue to work and make money. READ MORE >>
Monday, August 20, 2018 Obviously, you can’t run a restaurant if you don’t have food. Furthermore, you cannot serve food that has spoiled. That’s against health and sanitation code. Still, you sometimes cannot prevent spoiled food, no matter how hard you try. As a result, your business owners policy (BOP) might be able to step in to help. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, July 17, 2018Business insurance provides protection for your business risks. This includes liability and asset protection. Most companies grow and change throughout the year. How does that effect your insurance coverage? If your coverage does not change along with your business, you could suffer losses. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, June 26, 2018Starting a restaurant is both exciting and nerve-wrecking. You have endless possibilities, but there's also the potential for things do go wrong. You might have to make a claim on your restaurant insurance policy in the first month. You might find an amazing hostess who treats every customer as if they're her personal friend. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, June 12, 2018People today seem busier than ever before. As a business owner, you likely agree. There's always a never-ending to-do list, new work to drum up, and employees or contractors to train. While you might not get to every last item on your to-do list, you can get to a lot of it with some helpful tips. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, May 15, 2018Are you struggling with the increasing cost of commercial auto insurance? It can happen for many reasons. The overall cost of this coverage is increasing across the board. However, many business owners are finding ways to reduce their costs. And, as a result, they are benefiting from a better bottom line. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, February 27, 2018General liability insurance provides a business with financial protection from customer injury claims. If you own a restaurant, this is an important type of business insurance to have. Even in the best situations, mistakes can occur, and people can become ill from your food. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, January 16, 2018Social media is now one of the most commonly used forms of marketing and advertising. It provides an opportunity for businesses to connect directly with customers. It also ensures that a wide variety of content is available to their customers. Yet, as a business, you still need to recognize that the content you use remains your responsibility. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, January 9, 2018It’s easy to understand why the food is a restaurant’s most important asset. So, the restaurant owner has to protect the food to ensure successful operations. Should something happen to a restaurant’s stock, the results could be bad. READ MORE >>
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