Tuesday, February 27, 2018General liability insurance provides a business with financial protection from customer injury claims. If you own a restaurant, this is an important type of business insurance to have. Even in the best situations, mistakes can occur, and people can become ill from your food. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, January 9, 2018It’s easy to understand why the food is a restaurant’s most important asset. So, the restaurant owner has to protect the food to ensure successful operations. Should something happen to a restaurant’s stock, the results could be bad. READ MORE >>
Friday, November 10, 2017If you are like other manufacturers, your company values employee safety. You follow OSHA regulations and best practices for safety in your industry. Actually, your manufacturing company goes further than the legal requirements for employee safety. You and your safety team look for potential problems so that accidents cannot happen. READ MORE >>
Friday, August 4, 2017It is up to employers to make sure a workplace is safe from hazards. Of equal importance is making employee safety a company's priority. The size and scope of a business have great influence on the scope of a company’s safety plan. But, each company’s employee safety plan has several common features. READ MORE >>
Monday, July 17, 2017Businesses of all varieties should carry property insurance. This form of business insurance is absolutely essential. It covers damage and loss to company property that stems from a wide range of events. Examples of such events include fires, break-ins, vandalism and wind damage. READ MORE >>
Monday, July 3, 2017As you plan to open a restaurant, your likely goal is to run a popular, profitable enterprise. Profitability means serving a great meal to loyal customers. However, this also means preventing damages or safety risks that might cause financial harm to your restaurant. READ MORE >>
Friday, June 9, 2017If your restaurant fails to provide safe food for its customers, you pose a risk to both yourself and to the diners. Unsafe food can injure, sicken or even kill certain diners. Therefore, restaurants have to protect their products at all times. Most restaurant liability policies cover damages from food-borne illness or contamination that harms clients. READ MORE >>
Friday, May 26, 2017When customers dine in your restaurant, you want them to have an enjoyable and safe experience. Therefore, you should always keep your restaurant in top working order. Because a restaurant is a public space, there is always a chance that it could sustain property damage over time. READ MORE >>
Friday, February 10, 2017Your restaurant is nothing without your kitchen. Within the kitchen, your staff tracks, prepares and ships out orders to customers. The kitchen is the moneymaker. It’s what keeps people coming back. As a hub of activity, your kitchen needs to operate smoothly. Its operations affect the function of the entire restaurant. READ MORE >>
Friday, January 20, 2017In a restaurant, fires are a large risk. Fires, especially grease fires can be costly and dangerous. In 2002 there were more than 7,000 fires resulting in structural damage to restaurants. This amounted to more than $116 million worth of damages. Of these fires, about 65 percent of them came from cooking accidents. READ MORE >>
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