Tuesday, February 27, 2018General liability insurance provides a business with financial protection from customer injury claims. If you own a restaurant, this is an important type of business insurance to have. Even in the best situations, mistakes can occur, and people can become ill from your food. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, February 20, 2018Snow plow drivers have a unique job. They usually do not work regular hours. They do not know if they will work every day or just a few times a year. They also handle dangerous situations. They can easily do damage to their vehicle or another person’s property as well. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, February 13, 2018Valentine’s Day is a day for love, socializing and romance. One industry that will see a lot of business at this special time of year is the restaurant business. Often, restaurants plan in special events on Valentine’s Day. Each unique accommodation comes with certain dangers and hazards. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, February 6, 2018Owning, operating and maintaining a small business is tough. Fortunately, you have a lot of resources available. If you’ve worked hard, have invested properly and are ready for a higher degree of protection, consider picking up a business owner’s policy—or, as it’s commonly called, a BOP. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, January 30, 2018The food service industry is very high-pressure at times. You have to meet high bars for customer satisfaction and restaurant security. That’s why you need good employees working for you. The better the workplace environment, the more likely you will be to retain talent. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, January 23, 2018Many business owners worry about harassment claims from employees. With a significant change in the business world and more focus on this type of claim in the media, there is a relevant concern present. Most companies do not allow this type of culture in their operations. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, January 16, 2018Social media is now one of the most commonly used forms of marketing and advertising. It provides an opportunity for businesses to connect directly with customers. It also ensures that a wide variety of content is available to their customers. Yet, as a business, you still need to recognize that the content you use remains your responsibility. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, January 9, 2018It’s easy to understand why the food is a restaurant’s most important asset. So, the restaurant owner has to protect the food to ensure successful operations. Should something happen to a restaurant’s stock, the results could be bad. READ MORE >>
Friday, December 29, 2017The year is wrapping up for many business owners. With that comes a look back. Before the end of the year actually occurs, take a closer look at what investments you made. What changes did you make to the way you operate? Did you buy any new assets? READ MORE >>
Friday, December 22, 2017Business insurance provides financial protection to help a company cover claims of negligence. It is not uncommon for a business to make a mistake. Having proper coverage minimizes the financial loss your company might suffer. It is an important investment. Every business needs to take care when marketing its services. READ MORE >>
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