Monday, November 18, 2019Yes, business insurance cover a lawsuit. In fact, it’s one of the main reasons this coverage is so essential. Even businesses that are all-digital require business insurance — simply because of the liability concerns that arise when you're running a company. However, your insurance might not cover all lawsuits. READ MORE >>
Friday, October 25, 2019
Monday, October 14, 2019When insuring your business, you need to be able to respond in case you make mistakes that harm other people, like your clients, visitors or other third parties. To achieve that level of protection, you will at least need general liability insurance, in addition to various other liability policies. READ MORE >>
Monday, September 23, 2019You probably carry workers’ compensation because it’s important to protect your employees. You likely also have a number of safety procedures in place to help prevent employee accidents from occurring in the business. However, not all businesses have all employees onsite at all times. READ MORE >>
Sunday, September 15, 2019 As a business owner, you might need commercial auto insurance. It’s there to protect you when you or your employees drive a vehicle on regular working duties. Coverage can apply to both the vehicles owned by the drivers themselves, or owned by the business as a fleet vehicle. READ MORE >>
Friday, August 30, 2019If you have ever been to a restaurant, you have possibly heard your server say be careful, the plate is hot. They are doing it, first, to protect you. If you eat something too hot, you could burn yourself in severe ways. They’re also likely doing it, in a way, to protect themselves and their employer. READ MORE >>
Thursday, August 15, 2019Business owners need insurance, but different operations can take different routes to wind up with the appropriate coverage. For small business owners, part of their insurance solutions might be achievable by investing in a business owners policy. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, July 31, 2019 Most businesses use computers in some shape or form these days. Yours might be no exception. Even if you only use a tablet app to calculate and ring up customers purchases, you still will collect data if they swipe their credit cards. That’s why you have to treat electronic data as carefully as you would any other written information. READ MORE >>
Monday, July 15, 2019Business Owners Policies, better known as BOPs, are a convenient way for small business owners to purchase multiple types of commercial insurance in one package. Usually, BOPs will contain liability coverage, which pertains to third party losses caused by the business. READ MORE >>
Thursday, June 20, 2019Should any of the items in your restaurant sustain damage, that might mean a loss to the business. However, which of your restaurant insurance policies applies to the damage might vary. Sometimes, you’ll file against your equipment breakdown coverage. In other cases, you’ll use your possessions or contents coverage. READ MORE >>
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