Wednesday, December 26, 2018As a business owner, you endeavor to serve your customers professionally. Still, you can’t forego the risk of an accident impacting one of them during the course of business. And when harm occurs to customers, it often comes back to bite the business. What can you do to protect yourself when accidents happen? READ MORE >>
Tuesday, December 18, 2018Let’s say you come into work to find that hackers have struck your computers. They have stolen customer credit card data. This is a major exposure of private information, and your company must respond. Yet, when you turn to your liability insurance, you find that you don’t have coverage. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, December 11, 2018You never want to face a liability lawsuit because someone got hurt when visiting your restaurant. You might think you face the largest liability threat from problems with your food. However, don’t forget that other problems could beckon. Among the most prevalent is likely the risk of a slip and fall by a patron. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, November 13, 2018If you are a photographer, you’ll work closely with customers to create the pictures they want. Sometimes, you’ll take portraits. In other cases, you’ll photograph inanimate objects. Your clients will expect you to do your job correctly. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, October 2, 2018Almost every business uses computers to run operations. Still, whenever you do, you create a risk of harm. Such harm might include data loss, privacy breaches and an interruption to operations. Each of these might impact your ability to continue to work and make money. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, September 18, 2018Businesses buy insurance, in essence, to protect themselves. However, one element of coverage is a bit more complicated. Liability insurance is, in many cases, money the business will never get its own hands on. Instead, that goes to other people. So, why do you need this coverage? READ MORE >>
Monday, August 6, 2018 Almost every business uses a computer network. Even if you simply use it for taking notes in your workshop, it’s going to contain important information. Indeed, most commercial computer networks contain more than company information. They also contain data, often personal, that pertains to your clients. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, July 3, 2018IT professionals provide insight and advice to others. They work with individuals and commercial enterprises. Their expertise is essential. Most companies rely on it. For this reason, it is important to improve the amount of general liability insurance you carry. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, June 19, 2018It is an exciting time to be a business owner. As a contractor, you may notice your business growing. You have new clients and projects. Yet, all of this good comes with increased risks. As a company, it is important to reflect on the amount of commercial coverage you have. Do you have enough? READ MORE >>
Wednesday, May 30, 2018Businesses need to protect themselves with insurance. Among your coverage should be general liability insurance. Liability coverage comes in many shapes and sizes. You should work with your agent to set up a policy that targets your budget, specifically. Still, even so, the policy will still come with various costs. READ MORE >>
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